JavaScript Library Documentation

iMoneza provides a client-side JavaScript library to enhance the paywall user experience.


The JavaScript library should be embedded into each individual page that needs to be managed by iMoneza. This is not necessary, however, if you choose to do server-side redirection only.

Insert the script in the head of the document. Then, add additional configuration options and an init() call in a script block afterward.

For example.

  <title>Our Website</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    iMoneza.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {});

Please note: Do not forget to add your domain to the Allowed Origins setting in your Resource Access API Key definition. If you do not do this, you will get a cross-domain JavaScript error and the script will not work.

init Method

The iMoneza.paywall.init method initializes the iMoneza paywall. There are two parameters passed to the method. The first is a Resource Access API key. The second is a list of custom configuration options for the page. The custom configuration options will override any settings defined on the Paywall Settings page.

The PaywallSettings object represents the customizable fields a Merchant can define using Paywall Settings. All dates are serialized and are in UTC format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD). The full list of custom configuration options that can be passed in looks like:

PaywallSettings Object (and javascript functions)

  "resourceKey": "",
  "resourceURL": "",
  "desktopPaywallType": "",
  "mobilePaywallType": "",
  "mobileMaxWidth": 0,
  "embeddedAdBlockerDetection": {
    "element": "",
    "zIndex": 0,
    openWarning: function (title, message) { },
    closeWarning: function () { },
    openDialog: function (title, message) { },
    closeDialog: function () { },
    onWarningOpened: function (title, message) { },
    onWarningClosed: function () { },
    onDialogOpened: function (title, message) { },
    onDialogClosed: function () { }
  "embeddedPaywall": {
    "element": "",
    "cover": {
      "backgroundColor": "",
      "visibleHeight": 0,
      "visibleHeightMode": "",
      "zIndex": 0
    "frame": {
      "zIndex": 0
    "icon": {
    open: function (url, isAdSupported, adSupportedMessageTitle, adSupportedMessage) { },
    updateHeight: function (heightData) { },
    close: function (url) { },
    onOpened: function () { },
    onHeightUpdated: function (heightData) { },
    onClosed: function () { }
  "embeddedWallet": {
    "element": "",
    "zIndex": 0,
    "adSupportedMessage": "",
    "badConfigMessage": "",
    "freeMessage": "",
    "denyMessage": "",
    "propertyUserMessage": "",
    "purchaseMessage": "",
    "quotaMessage": "",
    "spiderMessage": "",
    "subscriptionMessage": "",
    "unknownMessage": "",
    "quotaSummaryMessage": "",
    open: function () { },
    update: function (userData) { },
    updateHeight: function (heightData) { },
    close: function () { },
    onOpened: function () { },
    onUpdated: function (userData) { },
    onHeightUpdated: function (heightData) { },
    onClosed: function () { }
  "embeddedConfirmation": {
    "element": "",
    "zIndex": 0,
    open: function (title, message) { },
    close: function () { },
    onOpened: function (title, message) { },
    onClosed: function () { }
  "modalFrame": {
    open: function (url) { },
    updateHeight: function (heightData) { },
    close: function () { },
    "zIndex": 0
  "modalPaywall": {
    open: function (url) { },
    close: function () { }
  "accessGranted": function (resourceAccessData) { },
  "accessDenied": function (resourceAccessData) { },
  "getOriginalURL": function () { },
  "getAccessMessage": function (resourceAccessData) { },
  "closeURL": ""

The following options can be specified as properties on the root of an options object:

PaywallSettings Object

Key Name Description Additional Notes
resourceKey The external key used to identify this resource. 50 Chars Max, If left blank, the current URL will be used. It will be the right-most 50 characters of the path. Characters not matching a-zA-z0-9 will be substituted with a dash character.
resourceURL The URL for this resource By default, will be the current document URL.
desktopPaywallType The type of paywall to display at desktop resolutions Value can be Modal, Redirect, or Embedded
mobilePaywallType The type of paywall to display at mobile resolutions Value can be Modal, Redirect, or Embedded
mobileMaxWidth Resolutions with a width less than or equal to this value will be considered mobile. Unit-less value is interprested as px. A value of 360 will therefore represent 360px
embeddedAdBlockerDetection “element” is where Ad Block Detection messaging appears zIndex can be set in Property management, or be overridden
embeddedPaywall “element” is where Ad Block Detection messaging appears zIndex can be set in Property management, or be overridden
embeddedWallet “element” is where Ad Block Detection messaging appears zIndex can be set in Property management, or be overridden
accessGranted ( ) A callback function for when the user is granted access to the resource See example below.
accessDenied ( ) A callback function for when the user is denied access to the resource  
getOriginalURL ( ) A function that returns the URL of the document being viewed. This is used when redirections occur to eventually redirect the user back to the original resource they were viewing By default, document.URL is used
getAccessMessage ( ) A function that returns an access message based on the user’s access to the current resource. This message appears in the embedded wallet when the user clicks the lock icon A ResourceAccessData Object will be passed in. Typically, you will switch based on ResourceAccessData.AccessReason. A full list of possible values is listed below.
closeURL The URL that the user will be redirected to if they close a paywall of type Modal or Redirect By default, the user will be sent to the previous page in their browser history

Example Specifying a Resource Key

This will provide a resource key to be used instead of the current URL.

iMoneza.paywall.init('744935CD-D8D9-E311-B48B-BC305BD0D54E', {
  resourceKey: 'My-Test-Page'

Example Using an accessGranted Callback

The accessGranted function is called when access to a page is granted via client-side access control. A single object is passed to the callback function containing data about the access request, including current quota data (if applicable), subscription data, and single purchase data. Basic user data is also passed along, as is the reason why access is granted.

This example displays whether or not the user is logged in. It then displays the reason why they have access to the page. If a quota is enforced, it displays how many quota hits the user has and how many they are allowed.

iMoneza.paywall.init('744935CD-D8D9-E311-B48B-BC305BD0D54E', {
  accessGranted: function (resourceAccessData) {
    $('#iMonezaUsername').text(resourceAccessData.IsAnonymousUser ? 'Not logged in' : 'Logged in as ' + resourceAccessData.UserName);
    var text = '';
    switch (resourceAccessData.AccessReason) {
      case 'Quota':
        text = 'You have viewed ' + resourceAccessData.Quota.HitCount + ' of your ' + resourceAccessData.Quota.AllowedHits + ' pages.';
      case 'Subscription':
        text = 'Your subscription expires on ' + resourceAccessData.ExpirationDate + '.';
      case 'Purchase':
        text = 'You purchased unlimited access to this page.';
      case 'Free':
        text = 'This page is available for free.'
      case 'PropertyUser':
        text = 'You are an admin, manager, or guest of this property.'

Example Using the accessDenied Callback

The accessDenied function is called when access to a page is denied. The same object is passed to this function as to the accessGranted function.

This example displays the user’s user name (if they’re logged in) and tells them they do not have access to the page.

iMoneza.paywall.init('744935CD-D8D9-E311-B48B-BC305BD0D54E', {
  accessDenied: function (resourceAccessData) {
    $('#iMonezaUsername').text(resourceAccessData.IsAnonymousUser ? 'Not logged in' : 'Logged in as ' + resourceAccessData.UserName);
    $('#iMonezaAccess').text('You do not have access to this page.');

Example Using the and modalFrame.close Callbacks

These callbacks allows merchants to customize the modal IFRAME rendered around the paywall. Both callbacks must be used together.

iMoneza.paywall.init({'744935CD-D8D9-E311-B48B-BC305BD0D54E', {
  modalFrame: {
    open: function (url) {
      var docWidth = window.innerWidth, 
        docHeight = window.innerHeight, 
        customWidth = 700, 
        customHeight = 600
        body = document.querySelectorAll('body')[0];
        '<div id="CustomOverlay" style="position: absolute; width: ' + customWidth + 'px; height: ' + customHeight + 'px; margin-top: ' + ((docHeight - customHeight) / 2) + 'px; margin-left: ' + ((docWidth - customHeight) / 2) + 'px; z-index: 10001"><a href=\"javascript:CustomCloseAndRedirect()\">Close</a><iframe src=\"' + url + '\" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="1"></iframe></div>'
        '<div id="CustomOverlayBackground" style="position: fixed; left: 0px; top: 0px; width:100%; height:100%; z-index: 10000; background-color: black;"></div>'
      close: function () {

logOut Method

The logOut method will log out the current user. It will perform a redirect to iMoneza to log the user out on both iMoneza and the your site.

You can optionally pass a returnURL parameter to specify the URL the user should be redirected to after they’ve been logged out. By default, they’ll be returned to the page from which they initiated the logout.

  var logOut = function (returnURL) {
      if (returnURL == null)
          returnURL =;


      // Remove the iMonezaUT parameter from the URL, if it exists
      returnURL = returnURL.replace('iMonezaUT=', 'iMonezaUTCancel=');
      returnURL = returnURL.replace('iMonezaLT=', 'iMonezaLTCancel=');

      window.location.replace(_uiBaseURL + 'Paywall/ExternalLogout?ReturnURL=' + encodeURIComponent(returnURL));

You have programatic access to the details of the selected Resource via the ResourceAccess object.

ResourceAccess Response Object

  "UserToken": "635f9d47-3416-40bc-b9f0-cb65459852ae|635978154112661889|mGhURnAejYjKmw0UGVK5QRYCJbgIxFBn8CeCrC82Q",
  "PropertyName": "Test Newspaper",
  "ResourceName": "Home Page",
  "UserName": "Anonymous User",
  "FirstName": "",
  "IsAnonymousUser": true,
  "WalletBalance": 0.0,
  "PictureURL": "",
  "Quota": {
    "IsEnabled": false,
    "HitCount": -1,
    "AllowedHits": -1,
    "PeriodStartDate": "2016-05-02T19:50:11.2661889Z",
    "PeriodName": "",
    "IsMet": true
  "Subscription": {
    "IsExpired": false,
    "ExpirationDate": "2016-05-02T19:50:11.2661889Z",
    "IsCurrent": false,
    "SubscriptionGroupID": ""
  "Purchase": {
    "IsPurchased": false
  "AccessReason": "Free",
  "AccessActionURL": "",
  "AdBlockerStatus": "AdBlockerNotDetected",
  "IsNoCost": true,
  "IsAdSupported": false,
  "AdSupportedMessageTitle": null,
  "AdSupportedMessage": null

ResourceAccess Object

Key Name Description Additional Notes
UserToken Not for developer consumption.  
PropertyName Name of Merchant Property  
ResourceName Name of Resource  
UserName Authenticated User’s User Name Used as a means to log in with username/password
FirstName Authenticated User First Name  
IsAnonymousUser Value is true if not Authenticated  
WalletBalance Authenticated User’s Account Balance  
PictureURL Authenticated User’s Logo If signing up via social media
Quota Complex Object See below
Subscription Complex Object See below
Purchase Complex Object See below
AccessReason Textual Access Reason Can be Free or Purchase or Deny. See below for full list.
AdBlockerStatus Status of client AdBlocker Can be “AdBlockerNotDetected” or “AdBlockerDetected” and others
IsNoCost A value of true represents no payment will be required to access this Resource Pricing model could be free, price could be $0.00, or could be ad supported.
IsAdSupported If true, Access is Ad Supported  
AdSupportedMessageTitle Defined by Merchant  
AdSupportedMessage Defined by Merchant  

All possible AccessReason values

Reason Description
Deny Access not granted
Quota Access granted, quota not reached
Subscription Access granted, valid subscription
Purchase Access granted due to the completion of a purchase
Free Access granted for free Resource
PropertyUser Access granted when a user is set as a Property Guest
AdSupported Access granted by removing Ad Blocker

Quota Object

Key Name Description Additional Notes
IsEnabled If true, metered access is enabled A Property-wide setting
HitCount Increments value for each Quota-enabled resource A User-specific setting
AllowedHits Maximum number of free Resources under Quota per User A User-specific setting
PeriodStartDate The beginning of the month for considering a Quota  
IsMet Will be set to true when Quota is met  

Subscription Object

Key Name Description Additional Notes
IsExpired If true, access to Resources in this group will not be granted  
ExpirationDate End date of periodic subscription  
IsCurrent If true, it is a valid subscription  
SubscriptionGroupID The unique identifier of a Subscription GUID

Successful Grant

userData Response Object

  "UserToken": "",
  "UserName": "",
  "FirstName": "",
  "IsAnonymousUser": false,
  "WalletBalance": 0.0,
  "PictureURL": ""

The following options can be specified as properties on the root of an options object:

Key Name Description
UserToken Not for developer consumption.
UserName Authenticated User’s User Name
FirstName Authenticated User First Name
IsAnonymousUser True if not Authenticated
WalletBalance Authenticated User’s Wallet Balance
PictureURL Authenticated User’s Logo

sendHeight() HeightData

A MutationObserver watches the DOM of the embedded paywall. Upon height changes, the parent page may respond to changes in height. The sendHeight() function can be called with new height values to regulate the dimensions of the iframe which hosts the embedded paywall.

  "clientHeight": 0,
  "scrollHeight": 0,
  "offsetHeight": 0


var updateEmbeddedWindowHeight = function (heightData) {


    if (!heightData)
        heightData = _lastHeightData;

    _lastHeightData = heightData;

    if (heightData.offsetHeight > 0)
        _embeddedWindowLowerCover.innerHTML = '';

    var paywallHeight = heightData.offsetHeight;
    var expanderHeight = parseInt('px', ''));
    var paywalledElementHeight = _embeddedWindowElement.offsetHeight - expanderHeight;
    var lowerCoverTop = parseInt('px', '')) + paywallHeight;
    var lowerCoverHeight = paywalledElementHeight - lowerCoverTop;
    var visibleHeight = 0;
    var dialogHeight = document.getElementById('imoneza-embedded-paywall-dialog').clientHeight;

    var coverBackgroundColor = iMoneza.utilities.hexToRGB(_options.embeddedPaywall.cover.backgroundColor);

    if (lowerCoverTop > paywalledElementHeight) {
        lowerCoverHeight = 0;
        expanderHeight = lowerCoverTop - paywalledElementHeight;

    if (_options.embeddedPaywall.cover.visibleHeightMode == "Percent")
        visibleHeight = (paywalledElementHeight / 100 * _options.embeddedPaywall.cover.visibleHeight);
        visibleHeight = _options.embeddedPaywall.cover.visibleHeight;

    if (dialogHeight == 0) { = 'linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(' + coverBackgroundColor.r + ',' + coverBackgroundColor.g + ',' + coverBackgroundColor.b + ',0) 0%,rgba(' + coverBackgroundColor.r + ',' + coverBackgroundColor.g + ',' + coverBackgroundColor.b + ',1) 100%)';
    } else {
        var pct = (visibleHeight / (visibleHeight + dialogHeight)) * 100; = 'linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(' + coverBackgroundColor.r + ',' + coverBackgroundColor.g + ',' + coverBackgroundColor.b + ',0) 0%,rgba(' + coverBackgroundColor.r + ',' + coverBackgroundColor.g + ',' + coverBackgroundColor.b + ',1) ' + pct + '%)';

    document.getElementById('imoneza-embedded-paywall').height = paywallHeight + 'px'; = lowerCoverTop + 'px'; = lowerCoverHeight + 'px'; = expanderHeight + 'px'; = visibleHeight + 'px';


The following options can be specified as properties on the root of an options object:

Key Name Description Additional Notes
clientHeight document.documentElement.clientHeight  
scrollHeight document.documentElement.scrollHeight  
offsetHeight document.documentElement.offsetHeight  


Custom Function Overrides

Once a user has been “Granted access” to a Resource, you may customize the user experience by making use of the, message) function.

  <title>Our Website</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
        iMoneza.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
            embeddedConfirmation: {
                open(title, message) {

When ad blocker detection is set to Show Warning, you may customize the user experience by making use of the embeddedAdBlockerDetection.openWarning(title, message) function.

<div id="customAdBlockerWarning" style="display: none;">
    <h3 id="customAdBlockerWarningTitle"></h3>
    <p id="customAdBlockerWarningMessage"></p>
    <div onclick="$('#customAdBlockerWarning').hide();">Close</div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  iMoneza.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
      embeddedPaywall: {
            element: '#content'
      embeddedAdBlockerDetection: {
            openWarning: function (title, message) {

When ad blocker detection is set to Require Disable, you may customize the user experience by making use of the embeddedAdBlockerDetection.openDialog(title, message) function.

<div id="customAdBlockerWarning" style="display: none;">
    <h3 id="customAdBlockerWarningTitle"></h3>
    <p id="customAdBlockerWarningMessage"></p>
    <div onclick="$('#customAdBlockerWarning').hide();">Close</div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  iMoneza.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
      embeddedPaywall: {
      embeddedAdBlockerDetection: {
            openDialog: function (title, message) {

Setting resourceKey based on URL parameter or unique ID

The resourceKey identifies the resource to iMoneza. A resource key may be part of the URL parameters, such as In this case, override the resourceKey based on the URL parameter.

  <title>Our Website</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
      resourceKey: "id=1234321"


A resource key may also be found in the DOM. In this case, override resourceKey based on element ID (or path).

  <title>Our Website</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
      resourceKey: "content"

    <div id="header">
    <div id="content">

Loading page content via AJAX in onAccessGranted

<script type="text/javascript">
  iMoneza.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {

      accessGranted: function (data) {
          // Supply your own service to load the full content upon accessGranted:
          $('#content').load("/GetPageContent.ashx?FilePath=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname) + "&ResourceKey=" + iMoneza.paywall.getResourceKey() + "&ResourceURL=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href));

Resizing a custom modal implementation

<div id="customAdBlockerWarning" style="display: none;">
    <h3 id="customAdBlockerWarningTitle"></h3>
    <p id="customAdBlockerWarningMessage"></p>
    <div onclick="$('#customAdBlockerWarning').hide();">Close</div>

<script type="text/javascript">
iMoneza.paywall.init({'744935CD-D8D9-E311-B48B-BC305BD0D54E', {
  modalFrame: {
    updateModalFrameHeight: function (heightData) {
      if (!document.getElementById('imoneza-modal-overlay'))

      // Note:
      // clientHeight: document.documentElement.clientHeight,
      // scrollHeight: document.documentElement.scrollHeight,
      // offsetHeight: document.documentElement.offsetHeight

      if (heightData.scrollHeight != heightData.offsetHeight || heightData.scrollHeight != heightData.clientHeight) {
          var newHeight = heightData.offsetHeight;
          document.getElementById('imoneza-modal-overlay').style.height = newHeight + 'px';
          document.getElementById('imoneza-modal-overlay-iframe').scrolling = 'no';

Providing custom text in getAccessMessage

Embedded Wallet “Purchase Message”

  <script src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
      getAccessMessage: function (resourceAccessData)
        if (resourceAccessData.AccessReason === "Subscription")
          // override message with
        var subscriptionMessage

Pagination Ignorance

Some resources may span multiple “pages” but realistically are associated with a single resource. To ignore differences in query string parameters, as with the below example, supply the base path with which to identify the resource. Below represents a Resource spanning 3 pages:

Ignoring pagination for this Resource:

  <title>Our Website</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
      resourceKey: "/news/long-article"
